Our commitment to keeping your business online.

Service Level Agreement

Our Service Level Agreement is offered across all Scaleblade products and services. Within this document you may see it referred to in its abbreviated state "SLA".

Credit Agreement Allocation

See in the table below how we break down "SLA Credits" per service and utility across products. The client is responsible for making any SLA claim no later than forty-eight (48) hours after the resolution of the incident unless instructed otherwise via offical channels (email or ticket).






5% credit

10% credit

20% credit


5% credit

10% credit

20% credit

Path Network



32% credit

* Service agreement covers total outage across all upstreams within a single site. Scaleblade can not promise upstream capacity bursting within its standard SLA.

Planned operational maintenence does not attribute a service level credit. No credit will surpass the amount of 1 monthly service payment.

All approved service-level credit will be applied to the upcoming service bill +30 days from the closure of the incident.

We aim to notify affected customers of upcoming maintenence with a minimum of fourteen (14) days notice; All notification windows target thirty (30) day minimum window for standard operating procedure.

Time To Resolution

Scaleblade aims to acknowledge any support enquiries within 6 working hours (Monday-Friday 9:00AM - 5:30PM GMT) and 12 hours outside this window.

We operate a robus on-call system to alert our team to any site-wide failures to ensure our mass-outage response is effective around these times.

* Remote-hands for colocation users. Hourly pricing may differ depending on site and requested scheduled timing. SLA's listed indicate "emergency" 24/7 SLA targets provided by the facilities.

Terms Of Application

Scaleblade will always aim to exceed the service level agreement listed here to better our clients.

Service level credit can be claimed for issues relating to network or hardware within one of our sites. In cases where the client is with us for colocation we can not be held responsible for hardware failure on these devices; SLA times are provided for facility response after the required hardware replacements are on-site.

You acknowledge that there may be events beyond our control that may affect the performance of this agreement. Such events may include, but are not limited to, acts of God, natural disasters, war, acts of terrorism, civil unrest, labor strikes, and any other events that are beyond the reasonable control of Scaleblade (formally known as, "Force Majeure Events").

In the event of a Force Majeure Event, Scaleblade will be excused from performing its obligations for permitting SLA at the set rate for the duration of the Force Majeure Event. Scaleblade aims to work together with clients to minimize the impact of the Force Majeure Event and SLA will be calcuated and accredited based upon the inherited agreements of upstream providers.