Bandwidth 'fair-use' and limitations.

In order to ensure everyone is able to take full advantage of our network in a fair and equal manner we have opt'ed in for the usage of the following bandwidth policies, known as 'fair-use policies' for the following products.

Last updated 5th December, 2022

Policy Outdated

This policy was marked as legacy on 28th July 2023 and is no longer in use.

Please see new policies regarding bandwidth through our Acceptable Use Policy, Section 6/7 "Abuse of Resources" and "Unmetered Solutions".

Dedicated Servers (Bare Metal)

Billing bandwidth is referenced in two separate pools, "included quota" is the amount of bandwidth that is issued within your plan and is stated on the product page of bare metal device you are buying; "billable quota" is used to describe the point at which we start billing for additional bandwidth usage this is typically "included quota" + 10TB.

Our bandwidth usage is calculated at a static rate for any dedicated services. An "included quota" of 35TB is used for all dedicated servers with our standard 1/10Gbps ports included. We will monitor your traffic rates to create more accurate billing figures.

Any bandwidth usage over the "billable quota" will include an additional charge of £5/TB used for the previous billing month. This will automatically be added onto any re-occuring invoice. Repeat misuse of your "billable quota" may result in its reduction or removal defaulting you to a more "strict" "included quota". You are able to monitor your bandwidth usage at any time via your dedicated control panel.

If you know that your bandwidth usage will exceed both the "included quota" and "billable quota" on your service plan, please reach out to our sales team ahead of time as we can typically offer bandwidth on increased rates at a lower cost than the standard additional surcharge.

Virtual Private Servers (VPS)

Each VPS plan (Virtual Private Server) has an included bandwidth limit on the "VPS" product page. This is referenced as your "included quota" this is the amount of bandwidth included in your plan for free. Your "included quota" is calculated depending on overall machine usage of a particular slice, as an example a 2GB (RAM) VPS will have 3TB, a 8GB (RAM) VPS will have 12TB as their "included quota".

You are expected to stay within your "included quota" on a month-to-month rolling basis. Your "billable quota" is calculated by taking your "included quota" + 2TB. Any excess over your "billable quota" will include an additional charge of £5/TB on your next billing cycle. Repeat misuse of your "billable quota" may result in its reduction or removal defaulting you to a more "strict" "included quota". You are able to monitor your bandwidth usage at any time via your vps control panel.

Each virtualisation node is equipped to in/ex-gress 10Gbps in clean (post-mitigation) traffic. Any individual network slice is able to burst up to 1Gbps (unless specified otherwise on a specific plan). This restriction is in place to ensure that no individual node will become overloaded by a singular customer.

Tunnels (Remote Protection)

For any enterprise/remote protection services your bandwidth usage will be calculated by our sales team at a 95th percentile.

We will attempt to reach out to renegotiate your percentile commit if we monitor consistent over-use. Please find your individual surcharge rates written within your service contracts.


All prices are exclusive of VAT (20%) where applicable.

We aim to provide simple yet elegant hosting solutions using high-performance and scalable hardware that disrupt the market offering affordability and quality.

(+44) 02080 505 241

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